Uber rides can turn into quite an adventure, but have you ever taken one with a dog in the passenger seat? That’s excitedly the kind of experience offered by Kevin Ferman, the Uber driver from Colorado whose dog Bowie became an internet sensation after he decided to bring him along for a ride.
Bowie is an adorable rescue dog from Colorado, who became somewhat of a local celebrity after joining his owner during his Uber rides. Kevin Ferman adopted him about two and a half years ago and started doing Uber rides with Bowie by his side because he felt he would put a smile on everyone’s face.
Bowie was just five months old when Ferman adopted him from Albuquerque, and he felt bad leaving him at home. He started taking him on rides in an attempt to help him combat pretty bad separation anxiety, and it was a true miracle to watch him open up around people and become more social.
Bowie became an overnight sensation after the YouTube clip titled “Bowie’s Uber Vlog” went viral last spring. This marked the start of an epic adventure and Bowie kept riding along with his owner, earning himself the nickname “The Uber Dog” and attracting millions of views on social media.