Animals make everything better – even when they come in emoji form. That’s why it’s not surprising to see them become the stars of the latest viral meme that’s taken Twitter by storm.
This unusual trend started when a Twitter user who goes by the name @psthursm tweeted a series of emojis depicting animals and musical instruments, making it appear as though they’re a part of a band together.
This post went on to receive almost 200,000 retweets and over 700,000 likes, and other Twitter users quickly started crafting their own versions of the meme. The formula to generate this meme is pretty easy – animal emojis are a must, but you can combine them with many others to depict animals engaging in different activities and having fun together.
This meme throws all logic aside, but we don’t mind it one bit since it’s fun to imagine a turtle playing saxophone alongside snail violinist. The Animal emoji party meme may not make much sense, but it will bring joy to your Twitter feed and that’s the only thing that matters.