Beautiful Illustrations Show Humans and Their Creature Companions

Image via ygramul /Instagram

Even if you don’t recognize the name of artist Yael Nathan, there is a good chance that you have already seen some of her works. Nathan worked as an illustrator for the Star Wars comics series and has a number of other popular projects to her name, including webcomics ELComics and Serpent.

When she is not creating artwork for comics, Nathan creates beautiful illustrations of humans and their creature companions. She frequently shares these on her social media and makes them available as a free download online collection.

These Disney-like illustrations draw inspiration from real life, fantasy, and history. They capture a unique bond between an array of human characters and real-life animals or fictional creatures like dragons. The humans and their creature companions are usually shown sharing tranquil moments or engaging in playful behavior.

“I love exploring the shapes, emotions, and relationships between humans and animals through my illustrations,” Nathan wrote in a blog post shared on Bored Panda. “I also enjoy crafting their stories through drawing; whether they’re real or fantastical, serious or funny, current or from history.”

Continue scrolling to check out more of Nathan’s beautiful illustrations and visit her social media to see other projects from this talented artist.