A new challenge has recently taken over TikTok. Called “First to Call Back,” the challenge sees friends giving their partners a ring and then waiting to see who will get the first call back.
TikTok user @izzyy726 recently decided to try out the challenge with her friends and capture the results in a now-viral video.
The clip sees @izzyy726 and three of her friends calling their boyfriends, letting the phone ring for just a second and then abandoning the call. They then put their phones on the table and wait to see what will happen.
“Who’s man will call back first???,” @izzyy726 asked in the video while displaying the length of each relationship on the phones so the viewers can take a guess whose boyfriend will make the first call.
The woman who has been in a relationship with her boyfriend for five years was the first one to receive a call back. A woman who was in a relationship for two and a half years received a text shortly after, as did the woman in a six-and-a-half-year relationship. The video didn’t reveal how much it took for a boyfriend in the longest relationship of seven years to call back.
The video ended up quickly capturing the attention of TikTok users, who loved the playful nature of the challenge. It has been viewed 47 million times since it was posted a couple of weeks ago, and it has received 10K comments.
As it turns out, a lot of TikTokers were expecting the seven-year boyfriend to be the last one to call.
“i knew it that the 7 years relationship would be last,” one user commented.
Others made light-hearted jokes about it.
“7 years ain’t calling back until 3 business days,” one person wrote.
“Relationship expired in 6 years … got it,” another added.