People Stopped Their Cars as They Watched a Huge Anaconda Cross the Road

Image via Italo Nascimento Fernandes/Facebook

It was a usual Monday morning in Brazil, people are driving on the interstate highway BR-364, and everything seems fine until they came across something unexpected in the middle of the road. A huge snake with a length of around 3 meters, was crossing the road.

“We decided to stop the car and get out. There are no signs for the cars to wait so she can cross. I have seen snakes run over on the highway before, and think such thing is a crime,” Italo Nascimento Fernandes told the media. He added that many people followed his example and got out of their cars to help the snake cross the road safely.

Fernandes and his wife were some of the people who were commuting down the road near the northwestern city of Porto Velho. As the snake made its way across several lanes, the anaconda climbed over the guardrail into the center of the road and managed to get to the other side of the street safely.

A lot of people who watched the snake embarking on its risky journey through the busy highway shared their videos on Facebook and other social media sites.