It takes a lot of discipline to continue doing the same thing every day. This is particularly the case with creative endeavors that require inspiration, which is why Ryan Todd’s challenge to make one drawing each day for 365 consecutive days is quite impressive.
Todd embarked on this challenge by sharing a drawing, or as he called it, “idea”, of a house that had its windows and door dismantled on June 12, 2023.
For the next 364 days, Todd continued producing ideas that ranged from unusual inventions to silly jokes and observations of everyday life. In a conversation with It’s Nice That about the project, the artist revealed that he wanted to encourage “spontaneous creativity” while establishing a routine to translate his visual thinking on paper.
Todd admits that there were times he regretted starting the project, as producing constant ideas proved to be quite a challenge.
“But, when it comes down to it, the act of creative thinking is inherently fun, and the daily drive to produce new ideas enabled me to adopt a more playful and curious mindset,” Todd shared.
However, Todd successfully completed the challenge on June 10, 2024, with a giant drawing of an eye. He later compiled all of them in an Instagram reel so his followers could check them out without scrolling through all 365 ideas.