Champagne & Pony Will Rock Your World With Their Matching Outfits

Many pet owners these days enjoy dressing up their adorable cats and dogs, but Champagne Dubois took things to a whole new level. Her adorable kitty Pony is the most fashionable cat on Instagram—and it turns out she takes after her owner, whose outfits are equally stylish.

Dubois is a content creator and interior designer based in Los Angeles, who used the power of social media to promote her business endeavors. She attracted around 400,000 followers on both Instagram and TikTok, and none of this would’ve been possible without her cat Pony.

Dubois has a background in commercial photography, but her career took a hit in the midst of the pandemic. She didn’t let this stop her from looking at life on the bright side, and she started seeking other things that brought her joy, such as redecorating her apartment and taking self-portraits with her cat Pony.

Champagne and Pony have appeared in many viral clips, often wearing matching outfits by each other’s side. Dubois’ wardrobe is the very definition of dopamine fashion, and she enjoys buying equally amazing pieces for her cat. Pony was born to be in front of the camera, and she truly knows how to strike a pose and make each outfit pop.