Chinese Artist Will Make You Smile with His Toothpaste Paintings

We’ve all done it. Squeezed out a bit too much toothpaste in the tube and decided to play around a little… The bathroom mirror is usually the likely target for our spur-of-the-moment creative whims, but what transpires is typically a few curse words or something that looks as though it has been drawn by a 4-year-old.

Xiong Qingzhen’s paintings have that quality at first glance. The Chinese artist uses the enamel paste to create images that can appear rather sloppy and a bit childish. It is only when the lights go out that his masterpieces truly come to life. 

Using a technique inspired by film negatives, Xiong has managed to create pictures of celebrities that look like giant photographs — drawn from toothpaste! The material is admittedly difficult to work with due to its consistency and its fast-drying action which renders it difficult for Xiong to edit the piece as he goes. 

That said, his magnificent artwork definitely elicits a smile!