Former Engineer Creates Mesmerizing Leaf Art That You Want To See

(By @omidasadiart)

We’re sure Omid Asadi from Iran is an interesting person – he’s a former engineer and champion boxer who currently lives in the UK as an artist. His art reflects his engineer mind – the cut on the leaves are extremely precise and look incredibly real.

“My leaf art is rooted in my childhood when there was a deep emotional relation between me and nature,” Asadi shared. “As a child, I used a needle to create shapes on leaves or fallen rose petals.”

But why did he chose leaf carving of all things?

“In general, it’s my way to depict the difference between the ways we see our surroundings, to show we do not tend to notice the ordinary things unless they are brought to our attention,” he simply explained.

(By @omidasadiart)
(By @omidasadiart)
(By @omidasadiart)
(By @omidasadiart)
(By @omidasadiart)
(By @omidasadiart)
(By @omidasadiart)