If your dating game isn’t top notch, you can always ask your professor for help. That never crossed your mind? Well, a guy named Jake decided he has nothing to lose, and asked his English professor to help him get a date with Hannah, a girl he likes. The professor didn’t disappoint.
He used ancient persuasion ingredients known as ethos, pathos, and logos, which were first devised by Aristotle. Ethos appeals to ethics and is used to persuade a person in the credibility of the persuader. Pathos aims to create an emotional response while logos derive his strength from reason and means to persuade a person using logic. Below is the plan professor had devised for Jake.

With the plan laid in front of him, Jake only had to do the typing and hope his message will get a good response. It turned out that professor knows his tools of persuasion since Hannah accepted.

After the date, Jake rushed to give an update to his Twitter followers, who were eager to see how it all went down. Jake and Hannah had an awesome time together, painted the sunset together and Jake even met her dog.

There you have it, folks. If you are struggling with finding the right dating strategy, your professors can be a great source of knowledge.