Another Halloween is behind us and majority of people will put their costumes aside and get back to their common lives. However, there is a handful of those who like to dress up as celebrities or reenact famous pop – culture moments all the time.
While professional cosplayers always thrive to be as close to the original source as possible, there are people who are forced to take some shortcuts. Meet Alexander Kravets, a manager from Moscow. As most people, Alexander used his Instagram account to post selfies and pictures of food. In 2015 he fell in love with cosplay, and started sharing his recreations of famous personalities and TV and movies scenes with his followers. The thing that separates Alexander from the majority of other cosplayers is that he brings a whole new meaning to low-cost cosplay. He uses the items that surround him and looks to have an awesome cosplay without spending money.
If you are curious, you can check out how that looks below.
1. John Wick

2. Maleficent

3. Django

4. Wolverine

5. John Malkovich in Red 2

6. Hulk Hogan

7. Rita Ora

8. Freddy Krueger

9. Davy Jones

10. Sheidlina