Illustrator Shares the Struggles of Being a Tall and Curly Haired Girl

Graphic designer and illustrator, Cheyan Lefebvre, started her comic blog Tall N Curly in 2012 to share her personal story, being a tall and curly-haired girl. Since then, a lot of women were inspired by her comics, reminding everyone that it’s fine to be different.

She had the opportunity to talk with other women – tall, short, curvy and skinny – and their stories, about living their life and not being able to fit in the world they’re living, inspire her every day to create her comics.

“That’s what I like to share through my comics, because I know I’m not the only one going through this,” she wrote on her blog. “All that matters is to feel great about yourself at least 99% of the time. That’s where I’m at, so I’m able to laugh about everything that makes curly and/or tall girl’s life sometimes irritating, and so that’s how and why I draw my lil comics.”