Mind-Blowing Answers to Twitter Thread “Fav Weird Fact”

Recently, writer Nicole Cliffe has asked people on Twitter for their “fav weird fact,” and their answers might blow you away.

Her post has received over 5k likes and more than a thousand retweets, and 2.6k people responded, sharing their unbelievable information. Some of the most interesting facts include a reply from Jenny D. Fine who said that “At 20 weeks the female fetus has developed all the eggs it will ever carry. This means part of me was in my mother while she was still developing in my grandmother!!” There’s also one from J Fulton who revealed that the sweat of hippopotamus is color pink! Or did you know that you can see a right-facing arrow in the FedEx logo?

There are so many astonishing responses and the fun facts never end. Take a look: