Nick & Raychel Reimer-Hurley are Helping People Travel on a Budget

Most people think it takes a fortune to travel the world, but Nick and Raychel Reimer-Hurley are here to help you change your outlook. They embarked on an adventure of a lifetime with just $1,500 each, and their journey has taken them to countless countries around the world after they discovered the magic of budget travel.

Nick and Raychel spent their early 20s living paycheck to paycheck in Vancouver, and traveling the world seemed out of reach. Something shifted in 2017, when they decided to leave it all behind and embark on an epic journey with only $1,500 each in their pockets.

Since they didn’t have a lot of savings or a trust fund to rely on, they had to get crafty and learn everything there is to know about budget travel, and they now want to share their knowledge with the world. 

“I hate that society has made us believe that travel is only reserved for the elite, I hate that regular people who work hard for their money are still spending thousands of dollars in flights, paying too much for overpriced hotels, and not utilizing the resources that we have at our fingertips,” Raychel writes in the couple’s free travel guide.

From booking cheap flights and working abroad to exploring the ups and downs of van life, Nick and Raychel experienced many facets of budget travel. Their desire to live nomadically and avoid high rent costs inspired them to spend some time traveling in a retired ambulance van, but they eventually took a break from it while living and working in New Zealand.