Turkish photographer Gül Yıldız got her engineering degree before realizing she wanted to do something else, so she went and got another degree in phogography and videography. Today, she's a successful photographer who attends international competitions and exhibitions and gives seminars all around Turkey. Aside from work assignments, Yıldız loves taking black and...
Troy Goodall, a photographer from New Zealand, wondered what it's like to have a name of someone very famous without being them - so he found those people. Not just that, but he took the photos of them in some of the classic poses of their celebrity namesakes. If you ever wondered...
Instagram user Bibi says that she can't draw, but that shouldn't stop her from creating own comics about daily struggles. We actually find her characters adorable and the situations she presents relatable - so it's worth checking out. https://www.instagram.com/p/BeyOjI-D5Ku/?taken-by=bibicantdraw https://www.instagram.com/p/BfGyjAUjrJX/?taken-by=bibicantdraw https://www.instagram.com/p/BfTczAHDhe7/?taken-by=bibicantdraw https://www.instagram.com/p/BgCE-i_DEAf/?taken-by=bibicantdraw https://www.instagram.com/p/BiATXaDBwEd/?taken-by=bibicantdraw https://www.instagram.com/p/BjAUMGahbCF/?taken-by=bibicantdraw https://www.instagram.com/p/BjSPxQ7hVyc/?taken-by=bibicantdraw
Arthur-Louis Ignoré, also known as Ali, wants to show everybody that we people have a lot in common no matter where we come from. He paints patterned carpets on public streets all over the world including geometric and botanical patterns that can be found in many cultures across the globe. He currently resides...
Talented graphic designer Justin Peters knows exactly how to make regular stock photos look magical. His work consists in merging more photos into one so that they create a surreal world that looks like it could really exist. See his work below and follow him on social media for more.
Moscow-based painter Nikita Golubev is a master of public art. He transforms dirty surfaces he stumbles upon into unique, temporary art pieces. We imagine the owners having a hard time washing away Nikita’s work. See his magic below.
Kayleigh says she rarely leaves the house because she’ll feel judged!
Watch the rudest waiter ever! Look and listen to how rude she is to the customer ordering a food and drink!
Parents catching their kids playing on their consoles! Watch this compilation to find out the parents and kids reaction!
Watch Brett Nichols absolutely do an amazing job on the Michael Jackson dance!