Rebecca Vincent, born in Lancashire, has been a professional artist in printmaking for over 20 years. As a child she was always interested in cutting, drawing, sticking, and writing. Her dream came true when she enrolled at the Ruskin School of Art at Oxford University, after which she went on to earn a Master’s degree in fine art at Newcastle University.
At the beginning of her career, she taught printmaking courses to adults, but her real desire was to bring her work to a wider audience, so she quit the courses and dedicated herself to a new development process. In 2004, she opened her own printmaking studio called Horsley Printmakers in Northumberland, where she has been creating stunning work ever since.
Printmaking is her greatest passion and a constant source of invention. Inspired by the English landscapes and fascinated by the endless possibilities of monotypes and etching, she creates rich and powerful landscape compositions that express intriguing abstract ideas.
Her two-plate etchings have glowing colors and a variety of delicate, intricate textures with up to 12 colors in each one. Her monotypes are unique paintings achieved with layers of translucent ink that create a surface that is unlike any other art.