Rhino Sheds Tears After Poachers Rip Out Her Horn

Poaching has been a global menace for some time now. Various animals species have become extinct, and it is affecting the environment as well.

Recently, a video went viral on Social media showing a rhino shedding tears as vets try to save her life.

The rhino’s horn was removed to be sold on the black market. Luckily, she survived the ordeal, but she shed tears as she was being treated by vets.

Many social media users were amazed by the act, and others still argue that animals cannot express emotions.

Can animals cry? This debate has been on for some time now. Some scholars believe that only humans can produce emotional tears. However, others claim that animals can express anger and feel sad, and even if they shed tears, it cannot be linked to emotional pain.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think in the comment box below.