Telling the Stories of a City Through Minimalist Art

Browning’s lines “less is more” have resonated with architects over the last century, who eagerly adopted the phrase in an attempt to use space and light optimally, without overcrowding elements. The same is true in any other art form – be it painting or storytelling – saying less and telling more is the sign of true craftsmanship.

Istanbul-based Esra Becan is proof that you can speak volume with just a few ink lines. Becan has embarked on an extensive project that has permeated into her reality and journey throughout Istanbul, to capture its movement, space, and people, using minimalist ink drawings. When she draws a concert hall, a few silhouettes are enough to be absorbed by the music of the atmosphere. When she draws a person, a mere outline suffices to capture their mood. When she draws a landscape, a few edges and an antenna immediately transport us in the midst of the open space.

Except for ink on paper, Becan has also been commissioned to paint several minimalist murals in cafés around the city. Her drawings lead the eye to paint the rest of the picture, as we soak up the entirety of the story that she is telling us.

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