These Cool Liquid Containers Made out of Soap Might Reduce Plastic Use

Despite plastic bottles and containers having a negative effect on the environment, most people still use them under the excuse that there is no viable alternative. Well, thanks to product designer Jonna Breitenhuber, there is one now.

Breitenhuber recently presented Soapbottle; a cool liquid container that is made entirely out of soap and produces zero waste. The container can be used for shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, and much more, and it is fairly reusable. The Soapbottle disintegrates over time but can be refilled several times.

If you are not interested in refilling, then you can simply use the container to wash your hands or even clothes. It comes in a variety of shapes and colors, so you can choose the one that suits you the best.

Find out more about Soapbottle in the video below.