Woman Drops “Dead” In Front of Famous Landmarks In Hilarious Act of Protest

To take pictures is something that humanity has so frequently done since photography was made mainstream. But, with today’s smartphones carrying cameras just as powerful as the bulky cameras of yesteryears, taking stunning photographs is now more accessible than ever. However, this hasn’t always been welcomed with such positivity.

Case in point, selfies.

Selfies are often reviled by many online, and for good reason – selfies have become a narcissistic self-obsession for a lot of people. Some can’t even stand to live a day without having taken a selfie and posting it online, hoping to receive a compliment or two.

This is a situation that a lot of people find themselves in whenever they get a chance to visit a famous landmark. For Stephanie Leigh Rose, this presented as the perfect subject of what has become her way of mocking this phenomenon while also documenting her travels all at the same time.

Referring to her movement as a “photographic performance that chronicles a life”, is basically Stephanie Leigh Rose dropping “dead” in front of historical landmarks as a photo is taken care of her.

The entire movement started two years ago and has since seen a huge influx in follows, reaching up to 7,059 followers as of the moment.

To know exactly what we’re talking about, make sure that you scroll down below.

Don’t forget to follow Stefdies on Instagram for more hilarious photos of the artist dropping “dead” in front of historical and famous landmarks.