Sometimes life leads us in unexpected directions, and what seem like bad decisions at first take us exactly where we need to be. This is very much Ashley Rose’s story.
Ashley’s journey started in college – or, anyway, at the end of her college days. She was starting her junior year in art school when she decided it just wasn’t for her. She wasn’t sure a career as a graphic design was for here, and spending any more time working towards a degree she wasn’t sure she even wanted, made her feel lost. So against her parents’ wishes, she took a break she never came back from.
At first, she was lost. She tried to make a living as a freelance graphic designer but realized it really wasn’t for her. She moved around, leaving Virginia for Texas, and worked all sorts of odd jobs she didn’t really like. Eventually, she decided she needed to finally do something, and started Sugar and Cloth, a DIY and crafting blog.
Finally, she found her muse. The blog was just what she needed to get her creative juices flowing, and she just worked on project after project. Other DIY lovers slowly discovered her, until she was finally able to turn her blog into a full-time job.
Today, she shares her art projects as well as glimpses from her family life with her 270 thousand followers. She gets to meet and work with amazing creative minds and enjoys every moment of her life. It’s pretty safe to say that leaving college wasn’t such a bad idea after all!