Beware of the Phone-sucking Monsters

Have you ever bumped into someone on the street because you were too preoccupied with scrolling through your smartphone? It happens almost every day, people don’t watch where they’re walking because they are staring at their screens.

Andrew Rae decided to capture these moments through art, he made illustrations with monsters bursting out of people’s phones. He told Bored Panda that his inspiration behind the project occurred after trying to avoid walking into people on their phones.

“I try to have a walk every morning to counter my sedentary lifestyle and it’s hard not to bump into all the people immersed in their phones. I started picturing the phones as if they’re little pets or creatures and people are tickling their bellies to keep them happy.”

He worked on the project with his friend Ruskin Kyle, who took a lot of street photography and sent him some of his work over. When his initial idea of having the phones be creatures didn’t pan out, he decided to make the creatures pop out of the phones. He came up with the idea after listening to Joe Rogan interviewing Edward Snowden on the idea of NASA monitoring people through smartphones.

“Instead of replacing the phones I’d draw objects or creatures coming out of the phones looking back at us and the different styles of the photograph and the drawing would make sense together as the phone screen is like a portal where the real world and the digital world meet.”

Can you put down your phone long enough to commute to work? Check out more of Rae’s drawings below.