BFDR Helps Big Fluffly Dogs Find Their Forever Home

Dogs are beautiful, noble creatures who’ve served as companions for humans for thousands of years – but not all of them are lucky enough to find the right home for them. Some dogs, especially the big ones, are usually looked over in favor of small, “low-maintenance” dogs. And that’s what Big Fluffy Dog Rescue is here to change.

Big Fluffy Dog Rescue, lovingly known as Big Fluffy or BFDR by their fans, is a  dog rescue in the South of the US dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and adoption of large dog breeds. They help Pyrenees, Grate Danes, huskies, Saint Bernard dogs and other large breeds who would otherwise be euthanized.

Since finding the perfect owner for such dogs, BFDR has developed a unique social media strategy. Jean, the rescue’s founder, has a flair for writing and a unique sense of humor which serves her to get the dogs out there on social media. Every dog looking for a home gets a witty, wacky description that captures his unique personality, along with all his adorable flaws and funny quirks. One Saint Berdars is described as “having my face when I open the refrigerator and someone has stolen my last Red Bull.”  Another is a “hamster by any standards”. Dogs who get along with kids are “Fime with Teacup people”, and especially good-looking dogs are “probably homecoming queens”. Above all, BFDR is dedicated to finding the perfect home for each and every dog – and if they can, they’ll do it in the funniest, silliest way possible