Carolina Torres Paints Landscapes with Threads

The art of embroidery has been around for hundreds of generations. Most of us probably had a grandma or aunt that embroidered cushions or napkins – and we probably think of it as an old, dusty tradition. But for Carolina Torres, this time-old art is more alive today than ever.

Carolina is an embroidery artist based in New Mexico. Unlike most embroidery artists who’ve learned the craft from an older family member, Carolina was introduced to it only four years ago. She might have had less time to practice than others, but it has also given her the freedom to play around with the craft and find her own style.

There are all sorts of embroidery techniques. Some follow rigid lines and rules, some are more free-form. Carolina’s style is as free as it gets. Instead of following strict traditional working methods, she creates what she wants to create. She embroiders landscapes on canvas, and her ability to think outside the box helps her to use the threads almost like paint. She can embroider flowing rivers and flowering meadow in a way traditional embroidery artist could never achieve.  And through her unique style and eye for color and texture, she makes nature feel closer and more alive than ever.