Every Designer Will Know the Struggle Presented in These Illustrations

(By @easycauliflowerhour)

Don’t let anybody lie to you; it’s not easy being a designer. While some may find that sitting at a computer all day is a dream come true, those who actually do it know the real daily struggles all designers face.

An artist that goes by the name Cauliflower Time draws these illustrations that perfectly sum up a designer’s life. She gets inspired by silly things she hears on a daily basis, writes them on sticky notes and turns them into these hilarious comics. Keep scrolling to check out her work!

(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)
(By @easycauliflowerhour)