Sarah Vettori better known as sarahsogna on Instagram is a 27-year-old story artist from Switzerland. She is a Media Engineering graduate and this knowledge helped her dive into storyboarding for animation. According to the young artist, she created her Instagram account a few years back to use it as a sketch blog.
“I love story, characters and their individual emotional responses,” the artist shared on her personal website. “For me, everybody and everything has something interesting to tell – regardless of how ordinary it may seem at first sight!”
Vettori creates her art after her work which is usually about something that happened to her that day.
“I draw them after work and choose the topics spontaneously,” she added. “They’re mostly about something I encountered that day, little observations from life, a funny situation, or how I’m feeling at the moment.”
She also has worked for several story gigs, in feature animation, TV, and advertising. If you are interested in Vettori’s work, have a look at her Instagram account or her website.