Illustrator Made Crossovers to Create Gender Awareness

Germán Capisano is an illustrator from Córdoba, Argentina who had an amazing idea: he dressed our favorite male anime characters into female outfits, and vice versa.

According to his girlfriend Candela Silberman, Capisano is constantly inspired by pop culture.

“He is constantly working in pop culture themes such as Quentin Tarantino’s movies, Star Wars and videogames,” Silberban shared. “He is also writing an action comic and working on a book with his daily comic strips, inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy. In this case, he worked on a crossover series featuring two beloved anime franchises: Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon. He aims to create gender awareness and show that anybody can be cool, no matter their gender, sexual and clothing choices.”

Scroll down and check out Capisano’s work below.