Get ready to meet the most adorable dog duo on Instagram – two cute Yorkshire Terriers named Taco and Minne who already have more than 20 thousand followers on this social platform.
According to American Kennel Club, Yorkshire Terriers are the sixth most popular dog breed in the world and it’s not hard to guess why. They’re small, super adorable and make perfect pets for anyone who wants a loyal companion. That’s exactly how Taco and Minne’s owner would describe his pets.
“Minnie is very outgoing and loves attention. She knows she is cute and wants to be the center of attention. Her personality is bold and courageous. She doesn’t like to cuddle, but she loves to give kisses,” the owner said in an interview with Hello Bark.
“Taco is a little more shy and he’s a mamas boy. He loves to be held like a baby and cuddled all day! He is timid when it comes to jumping off a couch, but thinks he’s a German Shepard when he sees a big dog!”
Just like any other dog breed, owning a Yorkshire Terrier has its pros and cons. They make perfect companion pets and are great for families with children, but one of the cons is that they’re difficult to potty train.
Take a look at this lovely duo in the photos below.