Mexican architect Javier Senosiain Aguilar devoted a major part of his professional life to the investigation and experimentation of the habitable spaces of humans in relationship with nature.
One of his amazing works is The Organic House which aims to “create surroundings similar to the maternal cloister, to the refuges of animals or to those of early humans, who made use of caves without modifying their environment, to igloos and all such sheltering spaces: concave like the arms of a mother cradling her child, continuous, ample, and comprehensive,” according to his website.
These spaces are adapted to the natural rhythms of the people who live in them and the furnishings are integrated well with the surroundings.
“To take a walk in the garden is to walk over the roof of the house itself without even realizing it,” Senosiain shared. The architect is know for his organic architecture and to date, he has built houses inspired by our natural world.