The Best Zoom Challenge!

There is a new challenge that tons of people have been doing on social media. The Zoom challenge is based on Lil' Yachty's song. It consists of pretend-sitting in a car and disappearing when the word "zoom" is played. Here are some of the best zoom challenge videos in...
These two songs sound almost identical. Check it for yourself, what do you think?
One of the funniest karate videos! You definitely won't stop laughing after this!
Watch this compilation of the most "boss" moments ever!
Kunito Imai is a photographer who travels around Japan, taking some beautiful pictures on the way. His latest project is a series of photos of Japanese tree frogs on hydrangeas. Hydrangeas are blooming in Japan during the rainy season. Frogs love to reside in these colorful bushes and wait for...
It's insane to think that many of the objects that were someone's home back in the day are now completely abandoned and left to the nature to take over. German photographer Matthias Haker travels around the Europe and takes photos of places like that. He doesn't just visit abandoned...
We know many people (coincidentally, most of them are women) who are pretty much obsessed with shoes. When you look at their closets, you can find all the types of shoes that exist in the world. But is that really true? It's not a secret that women prefer shoes that...
This girl claims the she's 9 months pregnant with baby Jesus! Obviously, The doctors claim that she's not!
This girl claims the she’s 9 months pregnant with baby Jesus! Obviously, The doctors claim that she’s not!
Have you ever seen a sink with no bowl? Here it is a BOWLESS SINK! Very interesting and creative!