Public Punching Bags Allow New Yorkers to Vent Their Frustrations

Donttakethisthewrongway is a design studio based in Georgia which recently installed public punching bags around Manhattan to help people release their daily frustrations.

The boxing-inspired project was their contribution to the New York City Design Week 2019. The idea was to give people a way to temporarily unload their frustrations in a public place before going on with their day.

The studio described the project as “a public amenity that caters to emotions. The concept explores designing common spaces for the frustrations we all face. Frustrations that go beyond designed systems and happen, well, because we are human,” according to the website. “The public punching bag offers an outlet for these emotions as a means to maybe develop a healthier way to address personal and collective issues in a public setting.”

The punching bags can be found at different locations around the city and everyone can use them for free. According to the annual Gallup poll, Americans are among the most stressed people in the world, as reported by the New York Times. So this initiative might come in handy for these people and it can even help them feel a bit better.