Russian Artist Paints Miniature Paintings That Are Smaller Than a Coin

Russian artist Irene Malakhova, better known as Tiny Worlds Living on Instagram, paints miniature paintings. From animals to landscapes, Malakhova has been working on this project for a couple of years now.

She describes herself as a ‘tiny artist’, and all of her creations are just the size of a coin, however, they are full of details. Her artwork is so small that you might need a magnifying glass if your vision isn’t the best.

Monkeys, dogs, cats, birds, fish – they all had been painted in miniature by Malakhova, and they are all life-like. The artist also loves to draw beautiful landscapes, food and anything that catches her attention.

She shares her work on her Instagram account where she has attracted over 57.3 thousand followers. Malakhova also has an Etsy store where she sells all of her tiny creations.

Scroll down and check out her tiny world below. Have you ever seen a painting this small? Which one is your favorite?