These Dogs Love to ‘Pack Walk’ Everyday and Take a Group Selfie

Saratoga Dog Walkers is a professional dog walking service that offers not only good exercise and training, but also socialization with other dogs.

Owner Tim Pink started the mid-day pack walk program in 2011 to help meet the needs of Saratoga’s dogs while their owners are working.

“With every walk the dogs are recieving exercise, socialization, structure, potty time and affection. By meeting these needs on a daily basis, we start to see more well behaved, healthy, and well rounded dogs! The program works with the dogs natural instincts to travel in a pack, but sadly, this primal ritual of dogs is something that most of our dogs never have the opportunity to do,” their website reads.

The program is a good opportunity for those who have dogs but don’t have time to take them for a walk. Take a look at their adorable group pictures below.