Ravi Koranga is a 24-year-old artist from India, who already gained public attention thanks to her interesting illustrations. We wrote about her previous series when she illustrated a lonely astronaut wandering in space and things that every gamer can relate to.
The young artist is now back with a new series of illustrations that show the catastrophic consequences of plastic pollution. Koranga says it was very important to her to understand and show these problems through her art.
“My conceptual art series shows a tiny scuba diver wandering through different ocean-facing scenarios which depict how much destruction is caused by plastic,” the artist shared on Bored Panda.
“Big Companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi co, Nestle are targeted through my art, which raises the question – Why does Marine Life and the Ocean have to suffer due to the Consequences of their Endless Plastic Production and why we must stop consuming these products. Each piece of artwork has informative knowledge.”
Make sure to check out Koranga’s art on her Instagram page.