Sometimes, digital sculptures can be more beautiful than the real-life ones, maybe because they play with the borders of what’s possible. Chad Knight’s work will leave you speechless.
The artist creates pieces that are, in his words, “very much like an encrypted journal that [he] can share publicly.” That’s probably why they feel so powerful and meaningful. Here’s what he thinks about the work he does:
“I think I became an artist at conception. It is more who I am as a person that what I do. However, the reason I make art is that I have a very overactive, noisy mind. Creating art is one of the few things that allows me to totally present. I skateboarded professionally for 16 years. During that time, it served as my creative outlet. Now that I do not have the opportunity to do it as often, combined with being less enthusiastic about broken bones, my 3D explorations have become my new outlet.”
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