Graphic designer and illustrator, Martín Azambuja, uses illustration as a tool when designing, and vice versa. Born in Uruguaya and based in New York City, Azambuja works on identity design for small and big brands. But in his free time, he admits he still draws like he was a kid.
His style — bold, graphic, and naive – incorporates geometric shapes and distinct color palettes. “I was always attracted to the geometric interpretation of things,” he relayed in an interview with Sense of Creativity. “I even remember as a child that I liked Mondrian a lot, for example as an artist, I was struck by the synthesis and how the proper use of colors can generate new universes, even if the elements are minimal.”
“When it comes to graphically represent certain situations, objects or ideas, I try to think about the composition and in a ‘geometric’ way, seeing if I can find a new way of showing it,” he went on to explain. “I think it is more a style of thinking than of working since I do not always adopt the same techniques and sometimes I am changing.”
When it comes to design inspiration, Azambuja says he’s a fan of Swiss design, consisting of few elements that are well aligned. He also takes note of the work of other graphic designers who used illustration as a tool, amongst them, he mentions Alexander Girard. “I also like designers who combined their more ‘formal and corporate’ work with more playful and artistic explorations such as Ivan Chermayeff for example,” he adds, saying that “his collage work was fantastic.”
“I do not feel I have a style as marked as other illustrators, in fact probably because I feel more graphic designer than illustrator,” admits Azambuja. You can follow his work through Instagram.