Photographer Captures the Famous Flower Men of Saudi Arabia

For centuries, the tribe who live in the foothills of the Habala Mountains in Saudi Arabia’s Asir province, have worn floral garlands.

The tribal community was known as “flower men,” because of their tradition of wearing wreaths dried herbs and flowers on their head.

French photojournalist Eric Lafforgue has travelled to Asir province in late 2011 to meet these legendary flower men and to know more about their custom. The wreaths made of fresh flowers are not only lovely to look at but they also are delicately scented.

“They wear the flowers for many reasons, beauty is important,” Lafforgue told Middle East Eye at the time. “It’s also a way to refresh the mind and to smell good. And it’s good for a headache, some even put flowers and herbs in their nose when they have a cold. But the main thing is to look good.”