Maryanne Moodie describes herself as a fiber-obsessed maker. Working between Melbourne, Australia and Brooklyn, NY, she divides her time between designing and creating woven wall hangings, developing weaving kits, and teaching workshops across the world.
Inspired by the intricacies of vintage textiles, traditional costuming, modern art, and the natural world, she loves applying unexpected color combinations to her overall nostalgic designs. And other people seem to enjoy her work just as well! With over 120k followers and features in New York Magazine, Anthology, and O Magazine (to name a few), her work is sold both on Etsy and through online shops and boutiques around the country.
But her true sense of fullfiment comes from the work itself. “I feel real meditation while I weave,” she shared with Created Here. “A stillness and a presence that often gets lost when we are often staring at our phones and screens. It’s addictive! It reminds me that I am human and living in this moment.”
“I love what I do,” she says. “It has evolved so slowly that I have been able to make small movements in the direction that felt right at the time. I have brought on people who are invested in the vision, and we work together to make sure everyone is feeling happy and secure at each point of change. We really feel like a family.”
“Weaving is really a therapy for me,” she adds. “It allows me to explore emotions that I otherwise don’t give myself time to fully appreciate and explore. I like to return to the same moment or emotion a number of times to delve deeper, weaving the same emotion from different angles.”
Follow her Instagram page for a pop of color.