All parents know the struggle when their kid is crying uncontrollably for no apparent reason. Turns out, kids can be quite creative when it comes to getting upset and these are some of the most ridiculous examples. Check out these 22 funny pics.
He took his shoes and socks off, and now he’s cold

He wanted to walk the dog

I didn’t allow her to touch our dog’s poop

The microwave ate his dinner

She wasn’t allowed to wash her parents’ faces

Her brother decided to eat breakfast next to her

He got banned from eating goat poop

She just realized that Darth Vader is the bad guy

Turns out the ice cream is cold

A fly landed next to him

He is trying to pick up a book

The food still isn’t ready

He doesn’t want to go anywhere (we had no plans for tonight)

The dog is in the way

He can’t find his red ball to play with it

He doesn’t want the banana we gave him

I stopped him from eating plastic

He couldn’t get in this Porsche

He wanted to sit alone

He wanted my beer

He got stuck

She was banned from eating a stick