Twitter User Teaches How to Get Creases Off Your Trainers

What would we do without our trainers? Even though we may not be as active as we would like to be, our trainers are still a huge part of our lives. After all, they’re not just for active use. You can use them for pretty much anything, from going for a casual jog to going out to get groceries or even a night out.

So, no one will really blame you if you feel down and gutted once you see those dreaded creases start appearing on your trainers. Sometimes, those creases don’t come alone. They come with discolorations or scuff marks, and sometimes, even both.

Overall, once these “imperfections” start appearing on your trainers, you know that they don’t make a for a good look.

If you’re one of those who’s constantly worried about your trainers looking worse for wear, then we’ve got good news for you. A new life hack that recently went viral all over the internet aims to help solve all of your trainer problems, and then some.

According to Twitter user Shantel Dé Bonsu, the key to restoring the look of your trainer is to fill it with enough socks or old clothes that the creases are no longer visible. After that, apply a small damp towel with hot water on top of the crease and iron it slightly, but not too much that you’ll burn your shoe. If you do these steps right, the creases on your trainers should go away.

For a more detailed explanation, make sure to follow the Twitter thread below.