The Joker and Pennywise Go against Each Other in a Hilarious Rap Battle

Screenshot via ERB/Instagram

Did you ever wonder who has better rhymes between Pennywise The Clown and The Clown Prince of Darkness? Well, even if you didn’t, now you can find that out thanks to Epic Rap Battles of History.

Epic Rap Battles of History is a popular YouTube series of rap showdowns with various famous characters, both fictional and real, in roles of rappers.  After a long hiatus, the series recently made a comeback and decided to make a “clown-themed” video in which they featured The Joker and Pennywise.

For his part, The Joker didn’t waste time to call out Pennywise for being beaten by a group of kids and having bad movies. He also used the opportunity to remind the It character that he lives in sewers and that his misdeeds are nothing compared to the ones from The Clown Prince of Darkness.

Pennywise, on the other hand, ridiculed The Joker for subpar jokes and his purple suit.

You can check out the hilarious rap battle between two of pop culture’s most recognizable clowns below.