For as long as she can remember, Laxmi Hussain has been drawing. As a child in London, she would lose hours after school, sketching on the counter in her dad’s corner shop. But it is only since the birth of her first child a few years ago that she turned her passion into a profession. Re-inspired by the irrepressible joy in creativity shown by her children, she picked up the pencil once again, reclaiming her own identity amid the emotional blurrings of motherhood.
Her elegant drawings and watercolors are recognized for their simplicity and color choice – mainly blue – with her distinctive style attracting a variety of commercial clients and individuals. Hussain has also exhibited her more personal pieces at galleries and art events around London, on top of her noteworthy online presence, with almost 10k fans on Instagram alone.
According to her website, her inspiration comes from everyday life – anything from the patterns of home interiors to the natural shapes of the outdoors and the geometries of architecture. Working in several different media, usually at night, she is driven by experimentation, constantly exploring new techniques and searching for the shapes and subjects they express best.
Often, her work includes elements that appear incomplete – a bird reduced to an outline or a face with an absent feature – obliging the viewer to pause and engage with the artwork, filling in the absences themselves rather than just dismissing it and moving on. In other words: her creations are well worth a closer look.