Mojo Rose has many descriptions. She introduces herself as a webcomic creator, teacher and very tired human who in the past 5 years of teaching has aged 20 years. She began thinking about creating comic strips back in 2013 when she was getting her credentials.
“I imagined kids chanting songs about my bad lesson plans and twerking during flag salute. I was, very clearly, sleep-deprived,” Rose shared on Bored Panda. “The sleep never really came back to me, but more comic ideas did. After a post blew up on Reddit, I created an official Summers Off Instagram and dedicated my time to growing it into one of the top teacher comics online today. To my surprise, not only could teachers relate, but parents and students could as well.”
She currently has more than 12,000 Instagram admirers and gets thousands of likes on each post. We really had fun browsing through her page and we believe that you will enjoy it, too. Follow Rose for future updates.