For some artists, the traditional pen and paper - or even brush and canvas - simply aren’t enough. These artists rather turn to fabric - textiles, wool, and strings - channeling their creativity through other, more exciting mediums. The use of these materials makes in and of itself a powerful...
Mother Nature has forever been a source of inspiration when it comes to visual arts. But it seems like embroidery and textile artists, in particular, have always been drawn to the textures and colors of the natural world. Using thread and needle, these artists capture the essence of the...
Miniature art dates back to the scribes of the medieval ages. But as time passed so has this traditional art evolved. These days, miniature artists go way beyond your cutesy dollhouse, recreating urban environments in their entirety and shedding light on less attractive aspects of human behavior. Here are three...
You know you're old when the fashion trends you remember from your late teens get upcycled. Suckers as we are to anything from the '80s and '90s, we can never say no to good nostalgic merch. Here are three artists that take clear inspiration from our favorite decades. Just...
In true millennial fashion, there's nothing we adore more than house plants. Alas, what looks good on Instagram doesn't always translate well in real life, and as we mostly neglect our house plants (or drown them completely) - some things are best admired from afar. Here are three artists...
Winter wear doesn't have to be dull and uninspiring. With more layering options, more textures, and lots more fabric - you have no excuse to step up your winter game! Here are three exciting brands to follow this season (thank us later). Rains  It all started with a basic poncho....
Halloween is a great occasion to showcase your creativity and put on a show. But it also serves as a playful reminder that you don't necessarily have to wait for that special occasion to add a little zest to your outfit. Because let's face it: life is too short...
Autumn is a great time to freshen up with a strong cup of tea. So step right in as we gather around the table for our annual tea party and show off our best outfits and tea sets. Because God knows our hot beverages taste better when they're showcased...
Collage art is as old as paper itself, and there is evidence for techniques of collage being used at the time of the invention of paper in China, around 200 BC. But as paper evolved, so did the art of stripping it and assembling it back together. Here are some contemporary collage...
With Holiday Season around the corner, here's a reminder: gifts don't have to be all about the price tag. Most times, it really is the thought that matters. And greeting cards are a great (un-pricey) way to convey that sentiment. After all, kind words are worth more than stuff...