In our turbulent world, many people are turning to traditional homesteading skills to improve their self-sufficiency, and Mary and Magdalene, the twin sisters behind "The Busy Homebodies," are redefining homesteading for a modern audience. As first-generation homesteaders, these resourceful siblings began their journey in an unexpected place—a city apartment...
Imagine a dog so talented it can ride waves better than most humans. Meet Gidget, the world’s most famous surfing pug and an unlikely champion in canine surf competitions. Based in Southern California, Gidget’s journey to stardom started unexpectedly when her owner, Alecia Nelson, discovered her natural balance on...
Ever wondered whether your food has a personality? Lauren Martin, an NYC-based illustrator, has made it her mission to answer that question—by giving strawberries, toast, and other everyday objects faces, feelings, and a whole lot of charm. Her whimsical style turns inanimate and seemingly mundane items into expressive, cartoon-like...
Raincoats are usually not the first piece of clothing that comes to mind when someone mentions the word “stylish”, and many people feel silly wearing them. Rain Sisters decided to change that and launched a brand of raincoats that offer a perfect mix of style, warmth, and comfort. Rain Sisters...
Working on DIY projects takes a lot of energy and time, but Medina Grillo believes it’s totally worth it. She built quite a following since she started sharing her colorful and quirky DIY projects with the world, and her videos will convince you to give your home a total...
Traveling the world on your own takes a lot of courage, but that didn’t stop Luke Patrick Hoogmoed from hitting the road and never looking back. He’s using the power of social media to share his adventures with thousands of people and encourage them to explore the world on...
If you’re a huge fan of all things cozy, Eve Anderson will make your social media feed extra comforting with her adorable illustrations. She made quite a splash with her adorable retro drawings, and many of her best illustrations present our favorite foods in a cozy light. Anderson hails from...
When the French bulldog Ralphie first made waves on social media, he was described as a “demon dog” but those days are long behind him. He’s now a good boy—a good “Sk8er Boi” to be exact—after his new owner taught him how to skateboard and started sharing his videos...
As one of the world’s most famous fashion brands, Louis Vuitton always finds a way to wow its customers with creative ideas. This applies to new collections, promotional campaigns, and apparently renovation efforts. Louis Vuitton’s flagship store in New York City, located at East 57th Street and 5th Avenue, is...
If you’re a huge fan of all things quirky, Camp Hollow is about to become your new favorite ceramic brand. Their peculiar creations are inspired by nature and the magic of the forest, and they caught their eye with their unique candle holders that take the shape of animals. Camp...