When life gives you a pack of blueberries, you make a smoothie or a blubbery muffin. But what do you do when life gives you $700 worth of blueberries? This is a question that TikTok user and book writer Jason Pinter recently had to figure out. In a viral video...
It takes a lot of discipline to continue doing the same thing every day. This is particularly the case with creative endeavors that require inspiration, which is why Ryan Todd’s challenge to make one drawing each day for 365 consecutive days is quite impressive. Todd embarked on this challenge by...
Spreading love and good feels is something we should all look to do more. Because you never know when some simple gesture could change people’s lives or simply make their day. Street artist Greg Goya is doing his part with clever urban interventions that revolve around love, fun, and kindness....
Artist Bruno Catalano is no stranger to traveling. Born in Morocco, he emigrated to France and later worked on boats for a shipping company before joining the voluntary organization Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer. These experiences inspired Catalano to create an intriguing series of sculptures titled "The Travelers"....
Japanese design studio Nendo recently introduced an airless ball that aims to allow more people to enjoy the game of soccer. Named My Football Kit, the ball comes in pieces that users can assemble themselves. According to Nendo, the ball’s design is inspired by a Japanese woven bamboo ball and it...
If you like unusual comics that cover a range of subjects in unexpected and somewhat weird ways but always pack a great joke, then Loose Parts Comics are just the thing for you. In these comics, you’ll find clever puns, aliens who mistakenly use inappropriate sign language to introduce themselves...
Illustrator Chet Phillips recently presented a deck of playing cards that is “purrfect” for your family nights, picnics, get-togethers, and more. Why? Because it features cat illustrations. The Cat’s Meow playing card deck comes with 52 standard cards, two Joker cards, and four wild cards. Each card comes with a...
Artists usually put a lot of thought into their pieces. They devise an elaborate idea in their mind, go to great lengths to prepare the material they will need, and often make several sketches before even starting to work on the artwork. But the Japanese artist known as Sanagi...
Tattoo artist Pablo Frias creates some of the most amazing realistic tattoos we have seen to date. His works mainly revolve around pop culture characters and motifs and are amazing to look at. Frias, who hails from Buenos Aires, Argentina, showed a keen interest in art from a very young...
Weddings cost a lot of money. Even if you are putting together a smaller wedding ceremony, paying for the venue, decor, photographer, and food and drinks can put a lot of strain on your budget. But with some creativity and effort, you can bring these costs down. TikTok user Hannah...